About us

My Credentials

20 years of experience for your success

After my apprenticeship as an Industrial Business Management Assistant and a successful qualification as an HR specialist, I was able to apply my knowledge in various industries like energy, food, automotive, chemistry, logistics and engineeringDue to further extra-occupational skill enhancement in HR, I was able to develop my skills in a targeted manner. I am currently working as HR Manager for an industrial, global operating company in the construction / engineering industry.

In 2021 I completed another comprehensive training as a business coach (IHK) with over 350 hours of training and intensive practical parts.

I have been working in HR departments for medium-sized and large companies for over 20 years. Since then, the recruiting of specialists and managers, the design of personnel processes, individual personnel development and the implementation of projects have been part of my daily professional practice. As a "personnel engineer", I love to see the best in people and to accompany and develop them on their way.

It's a great pleasure for me to offer my knowledge to people and companies and to help them to succeed. It's always an exciting task to deal with the individuality and specialties of each client.

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